The district offers two methods of receiving your monthly statement. You can receive a paper statement by mail or an e-statement through email. You can also register for an online account through our website, and have 24/7 access to your balance due, current statement, usage, or to make a payment. All statements are sent out on the last business day of each month. If you have not received your statement by the 5th of the month, please consider going online or calling the office and we can send another one to you. If you have any questions or would like to update your contact information, please call us at 913-783-4325 or email
The District tries to notify patrons who will be affected by line breaks or work being done that will have an impact on the water service. These calls are sent through an automated calling service to notify those in the work area. It is important for the District to have current contact numbers on file for patrons to receive these calls. Please contact the office if you have had a number change since setting up your account. If you are not sure, please call or email and we will be happy to verify the information on file. If you receive the automated call, please be patient when answering, it does take a few seconds for the call to connect.
District staff and meter readers will be placing blue flags near meter pits for regular maintenance. Please do not remove or tamper with the flags. If you have any questions, please contact the District Office.
The District Office will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025 for President’s Day. If you have an account or billing question, please call back during regular hours. In case of emergency, please call 913-783-4325 for a technician on duty.