Conservation Corner Tip

“Use a saucer or tray under your flower pots, fill with water and the plants will absorb the water from the bottom.”

Conservation Corner Scroller Pt 3

Watch for them in this Scroller…

Conservation Corner Scroller Pt 2

Please email them to…

Conservation Corner Scroller

Rural Water District No. 2  is asking for your water conservation tips.


Monthly Statement Information

The district offers two methods of receiving your monthly statement. You can receive a paper statement by mail or an e-statement through email. You can also register for an online account through our website, and have 24/7 access to your balance due, current statement, usage, or to make a payment. All statements are sent out on the last business day of each month. If you have not received your statement by the 5th of the month, please consider going online or calling the office and we can send another one to you. If you have any questions or would like to update your contact information, please call us at 913-783-4325 or email


Automated Notification Calls

The District tries to notify patrons who will be affected by line breaks or work being done that will have an impact on the water service. These calls are sent through an automated calling service to notify those in the work area. It is important for the District to have current contact numbers on file for patrons to receive these calls. Please contact the office if you have had a number change since setting up your account. If you are not sure, please call or email and we will be happy to verify the information on file. If you receive the automated call, please be patient when answering, it does take a few seconds for the call to connect.
Blue Flags on Meters
District staff and meter readers will be placing blue flags near meter pits for regular maintenance. Please do not remove or tamper with the flags. If you have any questions, please contact the District Office.
President’s Day
The District Office will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025 for President’s Day. If you have an account or billing question, please call back during regular hours. In case of emergency, please call 913-783-4325 for a technician on duty.

Lana Kettler, Awarderd for 25 Years of Service


Board of Dirctors Meeting, Rural Water District No. 2, Miami County, June 10, 2013

Lana Kettler, Awarded for 25 Years of Service

The Board of Directors presented Lana Kettler, Business Manager, a plaque for 25 years of service at the June 10, 2013 Board meeting. Ms. Kettler started work for the District in 1988, as the Business Manager. She said she has seen the District grow from 1775 meters to 3625 meters, at one point the District set 125 meters in a year. She said the bookkeeping has gone from manual receipt posting to online payments and automatic withdrawals. She said she has also seen interest rates go from 8% down to 0.1% on the District’s funds.

Ms. Kettler lives in the Block community, South of Paola, where she and her husband have a commercial cow/calf operation. She has three children and one granddaughter.

She said it has been a fast 25 years and she has enjoys working at Rural Water District No. 2. The staff and Directors are great to work with. They are all dedicated to the District and its patrons. They are caring and supportive, just like an extended family.

Significant Signing for Hillsdale Area Water Cooperative and KWO

Securing Entities’ Water Future for Decades to Come, June 12, 2012

(Rural Water District No. 2, Miami County, KS is a member of the Cooperative)HAWCsigning

The Hillsdale Area Water Cooperative (HAWC) and Kansas Water Office (KWO) hosted a ceremonial signing for a significant water marketing contract today. This contract will secure several counties’ and public water suppliers’ future water supply for decades to come. The signing was held at Johnson County Rural Water District No. 7.

This four year effort involves nine entities: City of Edgerton; City of Gardner; City of Spring Hill, City of Wellsville; Franklin County Rural Water District No.1, Johnson County Rural Water District No. 7, Miami County Rural Water District No. 1; Miami County Rural Water District No. 2; and Miami County Rural Water District No. 4.

“The effort taken by these locals to work together is significant,” said Governor Brownback. “Acknowledging the need to dedicate water resources to this high-growth area and allowing local entities to make decisions for adjustments in water quantity is a model others should follow.”

The contract was signed under the state’s water marketing program operated by the Kansas Water Office. The program, the only one of its kind in the nation, has been in place since 1974 when the state water plan storage act was passed. The program utilizes state owned storage in federal reservoirs to meet the water supply needs of industries, cities and rural water districts.

“In 2008, we were faced with a situation of nine separate entities expressing a desire to purchase Hillsdale Lake water. At that time, these entities collectively requested more water than the lake could provide during a protracted drought,” said Tracy Streeter Kansas Water Office Director. “I am very pleased to sign this agreement today to empower this coalition of water suppliers to meet the current and future needs of the region. This agreement exemplifies what a state and local partnership can accomplish.”


Click to expand map.

Starting in the fall of 2008, KWO representatives began meeting with area water users in Johnson, Franklin and Miami County to discuss the use of Hillsdale reservoir through a wholesale type concept. The only way to meet the water demand needs was to have the multiple applicants agree to work together.

After many meetings and negotiations between the entities and KWO, the Kansas Water Authority approved the contract on May 17, 2012. With this contract, existing agreements and applications will be terminated and roll all quantities under one contract. A multiple year endeavor to be commended!

HAWC President, Allan Soetaert spoke on behalf of the nine member cooperative and expressed their excitement of the approved contract with the Kansas Water Office.

“This contract signifies more than four years of hard work and dedication of these nine entities. Sharing the water supply at Hillsdale Reservoir indicates the willingness of the nine political bodies to act as one voice, bipartisan with a common goal, that will enrich our communities for many years,” he said. “We are very proud of our accomplishment here and offer it as proof that working as a team can, and has, provided greater results beyond any independent goal one entity could have.”